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Dili Reignest is a recording performing artist. Born Reign Reignest okwudili-eze (A.K.A Dili Reignest) February 8th 1996 in a family of 5 (2 Male & 3 female). The 3rd child of the family and first son. Father was an engineer and mother is into business of buying and selling food stuffs. At the age 9 I was doing very in soccer game and my parents thought I would be a soccer star but as time goes on I found my voice when I joined choir in church. Though it wasn't a surprise because my mother sings very and my siblings natural singers. It runs in our blood. My father gave me money to record my first Demo in 2010 and the song was celebrated then. I began my official music career in 2014. Released an EP of 4 tracks in 2016 but I stopped doing music few months after. I tried to become successful in other things like business but I always found myself doing music.

by the courtesy of DILI REIGNEST
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